There have been a lot of people making their own predictions about the starters in Pokemon Legends Z-A. So, we’ve figured we’ll put in our own two cents. We’ll dig through the theories circling the internet and try to distill it into one prediction that seems the most solid to us. Of course, the closer we get to launch, the more info we’ll have, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated as more facts come out. With all of that said, let’s get straight into it.

Predictions for Pokemon Legends Z-A Starters
As I’ve said in the opening, there are a lot of Pokemon Legends Z-A prediction about starters all over the internet. It’s difficult to say who is right, if anybody. If we’re truly unlucky, we’ll just get Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. After all, those were the starters in Pokemon X and Y, and the original Pokemon Z was supposed to be the third game in that series. I am really hoping Game Freak will not be that lazy, though, and I don’t think they will be. And lets not forget, this is a Legends title, which usually means that it won’t necessarily follow the original concept of Z. After all, there’s Mega Evolutions in the trailer.
So, what are the more likely predictions for the Pokemon Legends Z-A starters? The general consensus seems to be that the water Pokemon will be Piplup and the grass one will be Snivy. There’s a sound logic here. Lumiose City is clearly based on Paris. Piplup’s highest evolution is clearly a reference to Napoleon, and the whole Snivy line is apparently based on French nobility. The only point of contention is what the Fire starter is going to be. Some people say it’ll be straight-up Charmander, while others mention Torchic (it beign a chicken, and the rooster being one of the symbols of France). I find either option equally likely, but here’s my final prediction: Piplup, Snivy and Torchic.